The intermittent rainfall continued to lash Jammu and Kashmir parts on Friday, bringing down the mercury across the Valley while the weatherman here has predicted more rains till June 04.
According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the rains lashed J&K parts in the late afternoon.
Deputy Director Meteorological department (MeT), Dr Mukhtar Ahmad said that the light rains, thunder is expected at a few places on June 03 and June 04 towards late afternoon for a short period.
He added that the weather would remain mainly dry from June 05-June 10, but stated that as per the forecast, the possibility of a brief spell of shower, thunderstorm can’t be ruled out.
“Overall there is no forecast of any major rainfall till June 10,” he said.
The MeT also advised farmers to carry out all farm operations from June 05 onwards during morning hours.
Pertinently, Jammu and Kashmir has recorded an excess rainfall of 24 per cent in the month of May as against the normal precipitation of 77.5 per cent, the Union Territory has recorded 96.3 mm rainfall last month.
The data prepared by the Meteorological department reads that Jammu & Kashmir has recorded normal rainfall since Mar 01, 2023 to May 05, 2023