Muslims joins Pandits to celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi in Kupwara’s Handwara

Hindu Muslim brotherhood in kashmir

Pandits hail support extended by local muslim community 

Kashmiri Pandits in north Kashmir's Handwara sub-division Tuesday celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi with the active support from the local Muslim community.

Ganesh Chaturthi is a Hindu festival commemorating the birth of Hindu god Ganeesha. The festival is marked by the installation of Ganesha’s clay idols. On this day Hindus seek his blessings given that Ganesha is known as god of wealth, sciences, knowledge, wisdom and prosperity.

Talking to news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Vice President Sanathan Dharam, Surinder said that this occasion is celebrated every year and special prayers are held. “On this special occasion, we also held fist prayers at Razdan Mandir which has been renovated. The religious idol installed there was specially imported from Jaipur,” he said.

“People have been very supportive here. Even before the migration they would join us in numbers to take out the rally. They would even offer basil water, fruits and many other things to us,” he said. “Brotherhood between the pandit and Muslim communities here is exemplary. People here have always been very cooperative and supportive in every manner.”

About the support from administration, he said that they have provided all the basic immediate requirements here. Also, he said the army has been very supportive.

Aijaz Ahmad, a local, said that everyone here is happy with seeing pundits celebrating their day with brotherhood and harmony. “Last year people from both pandit and Muslims communities together took out a rally. We welcomed them wholeheartedly. This will have a greater impact across the region, encouraging everyone to live together,” he said.      

He also said that Kashmiris are incomplete without pandits.

Ghulam Mohiuddin another local said that both pandits and muslims brothers and everyone are happy with the reunion. “People have changed, Kashmir has changed for good. We want them to live with us. Everyone has come here to welcome them. Locals in numbers have joined them to celebrate this occasion,” he said

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