Tulip garden to open on Mar 19, Govt hopes record number of visitors

As the Tulip garden is set to be thrown open for public on March 19, the government is expecting a record break visitors this year at the garden, saying that 16 lakh flowers with 68 tulip varieties will be in a full bloom to mesmerize the people.

Talking to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Director Floriculture, Farooq Ahmad Rather said that Asia’s largest Tulip garden will be thrown open for the general public on March 19.

He said that a total of 16 lakh flowers with 68 varieties of Tulips including mascaras, daffodils and others will be in full bloom from March 19 and they are expecting a record break visitor this season. “Keeping in view the number of visitors last year, this year, we are again expecting a record break of visitors,” he said.

“The improvement is being done every year, and this year apart from tulips, we are taking care of facilities available at the garden. Rain shelter, washrooms, water ATMs and other things have been made available,” he said, adding that the garden is being improved constantly.

“Tulip garden in Srinagar is a garden of international standard. In 2015, Canada based Tulip society declared Tulip garden Srinagar as second best garden across the globe,” he said.

Apart from the facilities, the online facilities have also been made available for the people. “We have observed that the rush of people remains high on Saturdays and Sundays, which lead to congestion. We appeal to people to plan their trip on other days of the week too so that the issue of congestion is addressed,” he said.

He added that the Floriculture Department welcomes people to visit the garden as belongs to them only, but they should not come along plastic bags and other trash, which affects the ambiance of the garden—(KNO)

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