Damaged in 2014 floods, Govt begins process to renovate 700-yr-old temple at Baba Demb, Sgr

‘Project worth Rs 1.60 to be completed by May’

In a bid to renovate the seven-century-old Mangleshwar Bhairav Temple at Baba Demb area, the authorities have started work on the project worth Rs 1.60 crores while the officials said that the project is set to be completed by the month of May.

Pertinently the temple got damaged during 2014 deluge in Kashmir.

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Executive Engineer Circular Road Project, Roads and Building department said that the work was assigned to them through the archaeological department following which a DPR was framed to renovate the 700-year-old temple.

He said that the temple was damaged in 2014 floods, adding that the plan to renovate the temple was executed while taking local Hindu community members on board. He added that the work will be completed in three phases.

Rs 64 lakhs have been spent in the first phases while the guard rooms have come up at the cost of Rs 25 lakh and also Rs 80 lakhs are being spent to construct ghats, he said.

He said that during the execution of work, they faced hardships while transporting the material to the temple through water transport, but everything has been done smoothly.

The officer further stated that the work on the project will be completed by the month of May—(KNO)

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