Callous attitude’ of School Edu directorates of JK hampers process of issuing regularization, promotion orders in favour of in-charge lecturers

The government has said that despite the passing of one and a half years, the directorates of school education in both Jammu and Kashmir regions have failed to furnish the details of 117 in-charge lecturers for their time bound regularization and promotion.

Deputy Secretary to government, Masood Ahmad Wani has said that not furnishing the details has hampered the process of issuing regularization and promotion orders in favour of those in-charge lecturers.

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Wani said this in a communiqué to Directors of School Education of both Jammu and Kashmir regions.

“I am directed to invite the attention of Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) and Director of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) towards furnishing of posting details,” it reads

It also states that the undersecretary was also directed to say that despite repeated requests, posting details have not been furnished by the directorates which have hampered the process of issuing regularization and promotion orders in favour of those in-charge lecturers whose cases have been cleared by the DPC in its meeting held on August-11-2021.

“In this context, it is requested to kindly furnish the posting details as per new vigilance format in respect of 117 incumbents without any further delay, enabling this Department to proceed ahead in the matter,” it reads.

The deputy secretary has also informed the directors of both regions to treat the matter most urgent—(KNO)

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