
Sorry State of Education: Over 52 percent Govt Upper Primary Schools of JK have total enrolment of 60 students or less

In Jammu and Kashmir, over 52 percent Government Upper Primary Schools have a total enrolment of 60 students or less.

The figures released by the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)-2022 states that, “In Jammu and Kashmir the proportion of primary schools with total enrolment of 60 or less was recorded with 92.4 percent in 2014 and 88.7 percent in 2018 and 86.9 percent in 2022.”

The news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) has learnt that the survey has revealed that the similar was the case with Upper Primary Schools. “The proportion of student enrolment at Upper Primary Schools with total enrolment of 60 or less was 41.9 percent in 2014 followed by 46.1 percent in 2018 and is 47.5 percent in 2022.”

It also states that the performance of 8th standard in basic arithmetic has also improved. “The proportion of children who can do division has increased slightly, from 32.9 percent in 2018 to 35.9 percent in 2022.”

ASER reveals that as part of the survey, one government school with primary sections is visited in each sampled village. Preference is given to a government upper primary school of classes’ I-VII and VIII if one exists in the village.

“In Jammu and Kashmir, ASER surveyors visited 529 government schools with primary sections 85 were primary schools and 444 were upper primary schools,” it reads.

A day before, KNO reported that in the past five years, Jammu and Kashmir has recorded a hike of five percent in taking paid private tuitions by the students of classes 1st to 8th standard.

ASER has mentioned that, “In JK, the proportion of children in Classes 1st to 8th taking paid private tuition classes have increased from 8.8 percent in 2018 to 13.8 percent in 2022.”—(KNO)

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