President and Member of the Parliament from Srinagar Dr. Farooq Abdullah on Thursday hoisted the Tricolour at his Gupkar residence on the occasion of 74th Republic day celebrations.
Speaking at the event, Dr. Farooq as per a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said, “Least we forget the Father of the Nation, Gandhi Ji, and numerous other freedom fighters, whose suffering and sacrifice have rendered the attainment of Independence and establishment of this sovereign democratic republic possible.”
Calling the Indian Constitution a symbol of unity in diversity, Dr Farooq said, “Credit must be given to the founding fathers of our Constitution for envisioning such a sacrosanct document that upholds fraternity, secularism, federalism and confers upon citizenry equal rights without discrimination of caste, greed, religion and region. I hope and pray this founding document of our country is practised in letter and spirit.”— (KNO)