
Bazam-e-Saqafat organises book release function

Bazam-e-Saqafat (Kashmir) today organised a book release function Saqafat (Annual) with a special number on Dr Syed Amin Tabish at Govt Women's College M. A Road Srinagar.

Vice Chancellor Kashmir University, Prof Nilofer Khan was Chief Guest, Former Director SKIMS Prof M. S Khuroo and Principal Govt Women's College Prof Ruhi Kanth were guests of honour on the occasion.

While speaking on the occasion, VC KU highlighted the achievements of Dr Syed Amin Tabish in the literary and medical field. Describing Dr Syed Amin Tabish, a multi-dimensional personality she said that Dr Tabish has contributed enormously in the field of medical science and literature.

She said that University is committed to appreciate and promote the creative pursuits of Kashmiri writers and to provide a platform to them.

Dr Tabish has authored 14 books, has 440 research publications and recipient of 60 international awards.

Dr Tabish while speaking on the occasion dwelled upon different subjects and said that every citizen must play his/her role for the betterment of the whole society. He touched different topics like climate change, drug abuse, phone addiction and said that people have a duty towards their society.(GNS)

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