Sajad Lone tours Sopore, Rafiabad constituencies in Bla

Former PDP District Coordinator Inayat Bhat joins PC

Peoples Conference (PC) President Sajad Gani Lone along with PC senior Vice President Abdul Gani Vakil Thursday visited various areas in Sopore and Rafiabad constituencies in District Baramulla essentially to interact with party workers, make social visits and offer condolences.

A statement of PC issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that Lone visited Magraypora in Sopore constituency where he enquired about the health of senior PC worker Mohammad Ramzan Baba and interacted with a delegation of prominent party workers and representatives in the area.

He further visited Warpora and Nowpora Kalan in Sopore where he held a series of interactions with party workers.

PC President also visited various areas in Rafiabad constituency. He visited the residence of Adv Bashir Ali, former PC Vice President and longtime associate of Late Abdul Gani Lone sahib, in Watergam to enquire about his health. He prayed for good health and swift recovery of Bashir Ali.

Lone also visited the family of ex senior block president Haji Mohd Afzal Khan in Kangroosa to condole his loss. He expressed his heartfelt sympathies with the bereaved family, offered Fatiha and prayed for eternal peace to the deceased soul.

Lone and Vakil also toured Rawoocha, Gund Karim Khan and various villages in Rafiabad constituency where they met a number of worker delegations and were apprised of the problems and hardships faced by the people in the area.

Lone later visited the residence of senior VP Abdul Gani Vakil in Nowpora where he was accompanied by other leaders of the party including Basharat Bukhari, Adv Bashir Ahmed Dar, Mohammad Ashraf Mir, Raja Aijaz Ali, Spokesperson Adnan Ashraf Mir, District President Baramulla Asif Lone among others.

While interacting with the workers, PC President exhorted them to strengthen the party structure on ground and intensify mass-contact outreach and help the people in getting their problems redressed.

PC senior Vice President Abdul Gani Vakil while interacting with the workers said that agriculture and horticulture sectors have been shattered in the last few years due to COVID and weather vagaries, especially in areas of Sopore and Rafiabad constituency.

He urged the administration to immediately waive off KCC loans of all farmers and orchardists of Kashmir valley as they are unable to repay their loans. He has urged for adequate compensation and market intervention initiatives to help the farmers and orchardists to sustain their livelihood against the prevailing odds.

Meanwhile, former PDP District Secretary Inayat Bhat from Sonawari joined the Peoples Conference. He was welcomed into the party by PC President Sajad Gani Lone. Youth General Secretary North Rafqat Sonwaire was also present on the occasion.

While welcoming the new entrant, PC President said that his joining will immensely benefit the party.

“I whole-heartedly welcome Inayat Bhat into the PC. We want to play a pivotal role and contribute to the politics and welfare of J&K. I am hopeful that all of us will continue to work tirelessly to mitigate the problems of people and take the state out of the current impasse and towards peace & prosperity”, he said.

While speaking on the occasion, Inayat Bhat said that people of the state are yearning for change, they want an alternative which will truly represent their political and economic aspirations. He said that he has full faith and confidence in PC leadership to address the concerns of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and help them navigate through these extraordinary and troubled times—(KNO)

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