Frequency of depression on rise in J&K like rest parts of world:- Dr Sushil Razdan

Stresses of modern life, education, loneliness, nuclear family, drugs, violence around main reasons behind depression

Like rest parts of the world, the frequency of depression in Jammu and Kashmir are on the rise and there are many reasons behind it, Dr Sushil Razdan said on Monday.

Dr Razdan, a renowned neurologist while talking to news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), said that frequency of depression is on the rise like rest parts of the country and many people are suffering because of depression. “The main reason behind it include stresses of modern life, stresses in education,  stresses at home, nuclear families, loneliness, presence of drugs in society and violence around,” he said.

He said that depression is in all age groups and behaviour disorders are more besides that due to Covid-19, the number suffering from depression has increased and there are many reasons behind it. “There is a need to catch up depression cases at initial stage which starts from irritability, very less sleeping and there is need to pick up it at initial stage and don't allow it to grow in symptoms,” Dr Razdan said.

He said that pick up is must besides that appropriate mental health care at primary, tertiary level and family support is must.

“There are many reasons behind neurological issues in babies and it can happen while when baby is in womb of mother, at birth and after day as well and they may be because of genetic, congenital defects, birth trauma, hypoxia, infections, small injuries etc,” the noted doctor said. “If you will visit any hospital, around 25 percent admissions are of neurology and in children it may be above 25 percent as well.”—(KNO)

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