
Two genome sequencing labs to be made functional soon in J&K: Top Health Officials

Work on lab going on at SSH Jammu, work to start soon at GMC Srinagar: MD JKMSCL

Jammu and Kashmir is set to have two whole genome sequencing labs functional very soon after which samples of Covid positive persons and other viral diseases will be tested in the region.

Top health officials told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that very soon J&K will have two whole genome sequencing labs functional which were proposed by the government in peak second wave.

Pertinently, as of now J&K has no whole genome sequencing labs due to which tests are being sent to NCDC Delhi from where reports are coming very late.

Following the second wave of Covid-19 J&K, the government had planned to set up two genome sequencing labs one each in Srinagar and Jammu, however, as of now labs haven't been functional anywhere yet.

Owing to the lack of labs, the samples are still being sent to Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Delhi for genome sequencing.

At present authorities in J&K have no option other than to send all samples to NCDC for genome sequencing so as to keep check on the new variant and sub variants and stop it from spreading.

Top health officials told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that during second wave of Covid authorities decided to set up two genome sequencing labs one in GMC Jammu and other in GMC Srinagar besides that all details were shared with Jammu and Kashmir Medical Supplies corporation Limited (JKMSCL) for procurement of the machines required for installing two labs.

They said that labs have been procured and the installation process is in progress and very soon both labs will be functional.

Meanwhile Managing Director JMSCL Pankaj Gupta told KNO that said lab has already been received at Jammu and is being installed at SSH, Jammu.

In Srinagar, the Lab has been delivered at GMC Srinagar just a day before and very soon work will also start there, he said.

On asking why there was a delay in procurement of lab in Srinagar, he said that procurement orders were issued immediately on receipt of requests from respective organizations—(KNO)

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