Only 7.4 percent people visit private hospital for treatment

Ninety-one percent people in Jammu and Kashmir visit government health facilities for treatment whenever they get ill while only 7.4 percent people visit private hospitals for treatment, the National Health and Family Survey-5 (NHFS-5) has reported.
As per survey 87.2 percent people in Urban areas while as 92.5 percent people in rural areas of J&K which means 91 percent people visit government health facilities whenever they get sick.
As per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), among this 91 percent population, 46 percent use government or municipal hospitals, 4.6 percent use dispensaries, 15.8 use PHC/CHC, 5.5 percent use Sub Centre and 0.1 percent get medicines from Asha.
It also reveals that 7.4 percent visit the Private health sector which includes 2.6 who visit private hospitals, 4.2 visit private doctors or clinics and 0.5 percent get treatment from private paramedics.
Around 13 percent of households in J&K have either of their members covered under any health insurance scheme.
Among these 13 percent, 55 percent are covered under employees Jammu and Kashmir insurance scheme, 12.7 under central government health scheme, 14.1 percent are covered under State Health Insurance Scheme while 10.4 percent are covered under privately purchased commercial health insurance—(KNO)